How Crazy I Am, product image of dancing people and seated monkeys. Cross stitch design. Grimalkin Crossing.

  • Skill Level: EASY to stitch for confident beginners and up
  • Stitch count is: 128w x 156h
  • 10% of the purchase of this counted cross stitch design goes to The Alzheimers Foundation in Carrie’s memory.

Let me tell you my Carrie Fisher story.

I was seventeen years old when Star Wars: A New Hope first premiered in theaters across the U.S. My best friend and I made plans to see it together. Sadly, she got her period the night before and wasn’t feeling well enough to go. I decided to go by myself, and so I was alone when I saw the this iconic, genre-changing film for the first time.

It was, and remains, one of my most powerful memories. In fact, I’ve got chills all over again as I try to write about it. It’s difficult to convey just how… utterly jaw-dropping those opening scenes were for a late ’70’s audience. That first, awe-some sight of an Imperial Star Destroyer looming into view, slowly filling the screen — I remember the flash of fear I felt as it soared overhead, as silent and intimidating as a great white shark. None of us had ever seen anything like this before. It was seminal, ground-breaking stuff for its time.

How Crazy I Am: an image of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia. Offered by Grimalkin Crossing.

Consequently, it’s difficult to imagine a film that had a greater influence on the woman I was becoming. And this was MOSTLY due to Princess Leia, and to the actress who defined the role: the late, much-loved Ms. Carrie Fisher.

We Called Her “Space Sis”

Carrie Fisher as Leia was everything I wanted to be: bold, fearless, smart, independent, quick-witted, and absolutely not taking BS from anyone. And so it was a shock when I discovered that she had sought treatment for mental illness. But, her willingness to be courageous and speak about her struggles was inspiring. Because of her, I also found the courage to seek out treatment for my own symptoms of depression.

Rebel Princess is a tiny cross stitch design by CatLadyXStitching. It features Princess Leia's iconic cinnamon bun hair and pink flowers.
Design by CatLadyXStitching.

I wasn’t the only woman who grieved when she passed at the end of 2016. Nor was I the only cross stitch designer to create a Carrie Fisher tribute. I absolutely adored all the Princess/General Leia charts that appeared after her death. I even stitched one of them!

“How Crazy I Am:” Grimalkin Crossing’s Carrie Fisher Tribute

“How Crazy I Am” is a counted cross stitch sampler featuring dancers and monkeys! Obviously, the  quote originated with the immortal Ms. Fisher herself. And as you can see, the imagery draws on bright, cheery colors to accentuate the madcap poses of the dancers.

This sampler is a lot of fun to stitch! The finished project also makes a unique, thoughtful, and a brilliant gift for the crazy people in your life!

SO, to honor Carrie’s memory: 10% of the proceeds from every sale of this chart are donated to The Alzheimers’ Foundation. We chose this organization because it was one Carrie donated to in her lifetime.

As always, by placing your order through our secure servers (hello SendOwl!) you’ll receive a e if the chart is ever updated. And, you have at least THREE downloads of the chart available to you if you ever need them.

How Crazy I Am (in PDF) is $8.95 USD. Enjoy stitching!
how crazy i am, a carrie fisher tribute from Grimalkin Crossing
Alesia Matson

How Crazy I Am, a Carrie Fisher tribute
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