Too Old for Snapchat Too Young for LifeAlert

Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

    That Awkward Age: Too Old for Snapchat, Too Young for Lifealert You know, it’s kind of funny. I just published a post on five ways we can use cross stitch to manage stress. And you should read it,

Fast 5: Ways to Destress Yourself with Cross Stitch!

Fast 5: Ways to Destress Yourself with Cross Stitch!
Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

This month’s “Fast 5” features five ways to destress yourself with a hobby you already love — counted cross stitch! Life in the 21st century is like trying to survive the ride on a never-ending Stress Escalator. And some days,

October 2023 is Menopause Awareness Month!

For Menopause Awareness Month. This image features a cross stitch sampler that's been stitched onto a tote bag. The legend "Too old for snapchat, too young for lifealert" is bracketed by a spray of ferns and roses on two corners. From Grimalkin Crossing.
Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

                  Hello my sweet Stitchy-Kin. As you doubtless read in the title, it is indeed World Menopause Awareness Month! And at Grimalkin Crossing we’re here for that! To kick off a campaign

A Unique Gift for Cat Lovers: Angel Cat!

A unique gift for cat lovers! The image depicts a cartoon illustration of a grimalkin (gray cat) with wings, angelic halo, big pleading eyes, and a lopsided pink heart. From Grimalkin Crossing.
Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

Angel Cat, Grimalkin Edition is the cute cat cross stitch chart you didn’t know you needed this summer! A sweet and unique gift for cat lovers, this adorable, cross-stitched grimalkin gazes up at you with heart in paws and a

What to Do When You Are Bored, Ep. 01

When you are bored, stitch a clit! This is a mockup photo for Clitarita, our best-selling design. It's shown in a bronzy-gold oval frame, which in turn is shown in a white pine frame. With a grimalkin beside it, of course! From Grimalkin Crossing.
Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

Honest, when I sat down today I was going to write a sincere and information-rich blog post for you about what to do when you are bored. Then my crazy-ass muse showed up. I’m not sure if she thinks she’s

Liberty and Justice, July 4th Holiday Stitching!

For your July 4th holiday, stitch this modern rendering of the Statue of Liberty with the words "With Liberty and Justice for All" and a wish for a Happy Independence Day!
Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

              A brand new July 4th holiday design inspiration! Liberty and Justice is a counted cross stitch chart featuring a unique modern art rendering of the Statue of Liberty. It is one of America’s

Easy Halloween DIY: Fright Night Fun!

Halloween cross stitch sale! This is a photo of the finished cross stitch design "Owl Hallow's Fright Night" with spooky owls and howling jack-o-lanterns. From Grimalkin Crossing.
Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

For a quick and easy Halloween DIY project that’s spooky and fun, you can hardly beat this biscornu-style project! Owl Hallows’ Fright Night uses symbols to play with meaning and perspective in a visually striking way. And yet, none of

Freebies are Good Karma!

Freebies are good karma: Lesson Learned Karma Burned freebie, finished as a keychain fob. Counted cross stitch PDF design from Grimalkin Crossing.
Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

If we define “karma” as “ACTIONS, and the natural consequences that arise from them” then freebies are just about the best karma creators can generate. In fact, they’re brilliant. Know why? Because creating something with the intention to give it

For Ukrainian Refugees: Our 1st donation!

Courage For Ukraine product image, Grimalkin Crossing Cross Stitch Designs
Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

Here at the Crossing, we’re happy to announce that we’re making our first donation for Ukrainian refugees via CORE today! Much gratitude to the first four brave, imaginative, and talented stitchers who purchased Courage For Ukraine since the start of our

Intentional Stitching for Karma Charms

Just an analog hobbyist waking up in a digital world. Counted cross stitch designer, old SF Giants fan, new cricket convert. Appreciates animals, music, friends, kindness, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Bollywood, dry humor, and the Oxford comma. Telegram: ||LinkedIn: aematson
Alesia Matson

Greetings, Grimalkins! Alesia here with a post about intentional stitching. In the spirit of full disclosure, this is information that goes out with every Karma Charms chart. But I realized as I was trying to fall asleep last night (right?)