For your July 4th holiday, stitch this modern rendering of the Statue of Liberty with the words "With Liberty and Justice for All" and a wish for a Happy Independence Day!
Just in time for the 4th of July, “Liberty and Justice” is YOUR summer celebration centerpiece! Click the pic to get yours NOW for only $7.95 USD


4th of July holiday stitching, bullet list points for the "Liberty and Justice" design. They are: 94w x 120h - a quick summer stitch!;
Soothing blue-green colors;
Cool colors, savvy design;
Patriotic, non-political


A gray grimalkin silhouette has the words "add to cart" on its belly.






A brand new July 4th holiday design inspiration! Liberty and Justice is a counted cross stitch chart featuring a unique modern art rendering of the Statue of Liberty. It is one of America’s most iconic images, one that has represented freedom and the hope for a better life to people around the world since its unveiling in 1886. And even its silhouette, on which this design is based, is a powerful visual symbol that’s immediately recognizable.

Lady Liberty Fun Facts

  1.  The statue stands 305 feet 1 inch, from the ground to the tip of the torch. This button has Grimalkin Crossing's gray cat logo with these words: do u like freebie x-stitch pdfs? get yours! click here"
  2. There are 310 hammered copper plates forming the outer skin of the statue. Each one is 3/32nds of an inch thick.
  3. It took 5000 sheets of heavy gold leaf to cover the torch!
  4. Seven rays and twenty-five windows make up the crown.
  5. Her index finger is 58 feet long!

July 4th Holiday Stitching Fun!

Released just in time for American Independence Day, this design is going make a visually striking gift for your patriotically minded family and friends. As can be seen, it’s suitable to stitch on just about any color of fabric. And it lends itself to a wide variety of creative finishes! In addition, at just 94 by 120 stitches you know it’s going to stitch up quickly. While those blue-green flosses are soothing choices for beating the summer heat!

This is a horizontal line of Grimalkin paw prints. It's a divider to give a visual break in the blocks of text.

So when you’re thinking about the sunscreen, barbeque, and apple pie for the big day, don’t forget your decor. Once framed and secure in the centerpiece, this stunning little design is going to cause its own fireworks on your holiday snack table!

The full retail price for Liberty and Justice is $7.95 USD. Make with the clicky!
statue of liberty, with liberty and justice for all, happy independence day
Alesia Matson
Liberty and Justice, July 4th Holiday Stitching!
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