That Awkward Age: Too Old for Snapchat, Too Young for Lifealert You know, it’s kind of funny. I just published a post on five ways we can use cross stitch to manage stress. And you should read it,
Fast 5: Ways to Destress Yourself with Cross Stitch!

This month’s “Fast 5” features five ways to destress yourself with a hobby you already love — counted cross stitch! Life in the 21st century is like trying to survive the ride on a never-ending Stress Escalator. And some days,
October 2023 is Menopause Awareness Month!

Hello my sweet Stitchy-Kin. As you doubtless read in the title, it is indeed World Menopause Awareness Month! And at Grimalkin Crossing we’re here for that! To kick off a campaign
Halloween Cross Stitch Sale

There are so many GREAT Halloween cross stitch patterns to choose from these days. And it’s so much fun to shop them! They’re put together by a diversely talented array of designers and at a range of price points anyone
Fast 5: About Hot Flashes

I was talking about hot flashes recently with some of my peers on the wellness side of things here at the Crossing. It was an interesting discussion, but it definitely revealed that there’s more than a little misinformation about hot
A Unique Gift for Cat Lovers: Angel Cat!

Angel Cat, Grimalkin Edition is the cute cat cross stitch chart you didn’t know you needed this summer! A sweet and unique gift for cat lovers, this adorable, cross-stitched grimalkin gazes up at you with heart in paws and a
What to Do When You Are Bored, Ep. 01

Honest, when I sat down today I was going to write a sincere and information-rich blog post for you about what to do when you are bored. Then my crazy-ass muse showed up. I’m not sure if she thinks she’s
Feeling Down? Try These 4 Sure-Fire Mood Boosters

Feeling down? Sadness is a natural emotion that, believe it or not, can help you over time. But that doesn’t exactly help in the meantime. When you are feeling down, the only thing you want to do is feel better. And
Liberty and Justice, July 4th Holiday Stitching!

A brand new July 4th holiday design inspiration! Liberty and Justice is a counted cross stitch chart featuring a unique modern art rendering of the Statue of Liberty. It is one of America’s
3 Benefits of Choosing Handmade Home Decor

Handmade home decor by artisans. Check! Customized to perfection? Check! Ensuring high quality? Check! Handmade home decor is a great idea for many reasons and here’s why: you get to enjoy the benefits of designer-styled products, but at the